If you are using a Speedybee stack, you can directly use the following parameters for setting. If you are using a separate Speedybee flight controller or ESC, you can refer to Oscar Liang's current sensor calibration tutorial: https://oscarliang.com/current-sensor-calibration/
Regarding the current meter parameter settings for the Speedybee stack:
Speedybee F7mini Current Sensor Input For SpeedyBee BLS 35A ESC(Scale=250 Offset=-500)
Speedybee F405mini Current Sensor Input For SpeedyBee BLS 35A V2 ESC(Scale=250 Offset=-500)
Speedybee F405 V3 Current Sensor Input For SpeedyBee BLS 50A ESC (Scale = 386 Offset = 0)
Speedybee F405 V4 Current Sensor Input For SpeedyBee BLS 55A ESC (Scale = 400 Offset = 0)
Speedybee F722 V3 Current Sensor Input For SpeedyBee BL32 50A ESC (Scale = 490 Offset = 0)
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