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Bee35 Firmware Flashing and Importing Configuration File Tutorial


1 comment

  • Farhan Waseem

    Esc configurator error message

    esc speedybee f7v3 bl32 50a esc

    The amount of available ESCs does not match what the flight controller is reporting. This can have multiple reasons:
    The ESC was not ready yet. This can for example happen if it is playing a melody. Also a previous flash could have gone wrong and it needs longer to boot up than usual.
    There are simply not more ESCs connected.
    The MCU of the ESC is defective.
    Try a different USB cable - sometimes they are not properly shielded and might result in such errors.
    Make sure your radio is turned off while interacting with the configurator. Switched on radios have been reported to cause issues with electro-magnetic interference and thus failed read/writes.
    If the result is not what you are expecting, try clicking the 'Read Settings' button again.


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